How to become popular online in Instagram


Do you write posts, invest in creating cool content, but there are still no subscribers?
And even #like4like #instagram tags and the like don't help?

Quite possibly, it's not about the niche or the presentation of content, but about the lack of expert advice.

We have prepared an article in which we have collected life hacks and tips from successful bloggers so that you can repeat their path. Or they were able to adapt these tips for their project.1. Use a personal profile photo, not a logo

Your profile picture is the first thing Instagram followers see before looking at your story and posts, or clicking on an active link in your profile header to your site.

Faceless accounts are not relevant - you need to post your live photos, talk about yourself and your thoughts. People follow the personality as a brand - by becoming a brand, you can earn money on Instagram.

Put your photo in your profile. People can follow bloggers, stick to their point of view, apply photography skills, listen to advice in nutrition, sports, and much more. But in the lane
In turn, they will look at the photo in the profile. Your photo should stand out against the background, attract the eye and be remembered, an art sketch is possible.
"Instagram is a personal platform," says Laon Wiltz in a blog post. "People come to Instagram not only to sell/buy products, but also to have fun and socialize. They want to see your face and recognize you behind your account. Show them a person, not a logo and a company. Personalize your brand."

2. Update the information in the profile header

Information in the profile header or in the "bio" is an important argument for a potential subscriber. This is your business card. Use key search queries to make it easier to find you, write down the USP, structure all the information about the brand, break it into blocks and highlight emojis.

If, when promoting a commercial account, you need to try to enter keywords in the username, then for a personal blog you need to do exactly the opposite, such words will only repel you. As an option, use the first and last name.

By connecting a business account, you can add a special note to the profile header: personal blog, public figure, blogger, etc. It looks attractive and will immediately make it clear to users what your page is dedicated to.

Use an active clickable link – add your website or a link to a convenient way to contact you. For example, Taplink allows you to add multiple messengers.

Are you working on a new project, planning to hold an event? Leave a link in your bio.

If you're a travel blogger, tell people what country you're currently in and where you're planning. It lets potential subscribers know what content they can expect from you and informs current subscribers about your planned trips.

A blogger is primarily a journalist and copywriter who talks about his life. What's the news? What's interesting? Study, work, your wedding, travel, hobbies - all this can be a source of inspiration for subscribers. If you stay at home, you can also make interesting content
Look at the accounts of your favorite subscriptions - what do they tell in stories, what do they write in posts?

3. Find Your Niche

Blogs on a variety of topics are popular on Instagram: travel, lifestyle, business, promotion, beauty, fashion and much, much more.

Today, it is almost impossible to come up with something absolutely unique. Whatever topic you choose, it will already have a certain number of competitors. But that doesn't mean you can't take your place.
"Find what you're most passionate about," says Laura Izumikawa, who chronicles motherhood on her @lauraiz account.

"Talk about what you love, what you like to do, and document it with photo and video content."

Decide on the topic of the blog. To promote a blog, it's important to understand your target audience and create posts that will be of interest to them.

Analyze your subscriptions, hobbies and skills - choose one direction in which you are strong. Do you know how to adjust the light, position the model in the frame and take cool pictures? If you feel your potential as a photographer, start your photography blog.

Determine what qualities you would like to broadcast, and form content that will carry these meanings:

Displination and consistency?
- Publish content from morning jogging and going to the gym

Development, expertise in your field?
– Show how you learn and increase the level of your knowledge
– Show how you work, what your working days

are doing Stay true to yourself - it's not just a matter of differentiation, your favorite thing not only fascinates, but also motivates.

4. Be open
If you want to establish a good relationship with your target audience on Instagram, be open. "The most important thing is vulnerability and honesty," says Laura Izumikawa. Laura is a photographer and mom blogger who has grown her Instagram audience from 0 to 600,000 followers without any promotion tools – just a live profile about family life and funny photos of her children in images. Openness and transparency will help you connect with your audience.

A single target customer is worth a lot more than 100 purchased followers. Loyal followers will follow your account, trust partnerships with your brand, and engage with you more regularly.

5. Be prepared for criticism
Remember the basic rules for working with negativity:
Stay calm: no emotions, just facts
Be polite: no matter how terrible the comment is, the person came to you with a problem. Show that you respect the target audience. Even if he is wrong, the rest of the subscribers are looking at you and your reaction will be indicative
Be honest: messed up, apologize and correct
Keep the brand: you are a pro in your business, product.
Answer promptly: the sooner you close the question, the less likely it is that the problem will grow. If you don't react in time, sometimes it's better to forget about it
Create influencers: real people or pages created for comments that protect your brand
Translate a topic: sometimes, to relieve tension, it is enough to translate the topic
Form a positive on your own: publish a selection of positive reviews, thank your customers / subscribers.
How to react to negativity? Watch Yana Fomina's free webinar Good Zen or how to manage your online reputation

6. Make live content

Just two years ago, Instagram was overcome by a boom in "magic": unicorns began to appear, the grass was repainted pink, sparkles were added, and the most unrealistic pictures were created.
Now this does not work, the emphasis is on live content, real photos with minimal processing. The illusion no longer inspires anyone. Ordinary people are able to become idols of more than one thousand people, but the demand for those bathing in luxury has fallen.

Where to get ideas for content:
Other bloggers with similar topics
News in your field and your opinion about it
If you have a hobby, then this is a source of topics for posts that you are interested in
Events from life
Reviews and reviews of events/ Me:sta in the city/ Products
Personal experiences, thoughts and feelings
Discussions in social networks
Behind the scenes of your work/blogging
7. Storytelling
This is one of the most popular content formats. Storytelling is a story from life: funny, stupid, sincere, or meaningful. Stories that will interest subscribers will help them get to know you better, awaken the desire to react to the post with a comment or tell their story in response.

Here is a list of recommended topics for discussion:10 facts about you, 2 of which are incorrect;
your success story with ups and downs;
ask your subscribers for advice;
share your biggest failure – this will attract the audience and at the same time bring you closer to it;
Make a selection of autumn looks if you are a fashion blogger, recipes if you are a pastry chef or professional literature if you work in the educational field.
Today, stories are the most important tool of Instagram along with the main feed. Many subscribers even like to watch stories more, as they see them as a more lively and real picture.
Shoot your real life, involve users in the events that you have, arrange polls, ask for the opinions of subscribers.

8. Engage followers

Readers should feel connected to you, be interested in your life, and respond to posts. Before posting, think about how you want to get a reaction from those who see your message.

Want more likes? Ask followers to double-click on the photo or directly ask them to like if they liked the post.

Looking forward to comments? Try asking a question.

Do you want followers to follow the link in your profile bio? Tell them what they will find interesting for themselves there.

The greater your reach, the better word of mouth works and the more likely it is to get into the "recommended". This gives an influx of new subscribers.


Have you read comments from bloggers? You've probably noticed how, when a new publication is released, a group of users actively comments and likes each other.

Tooncourses and giveaways

Participants go under your contest post on Instagram and tag friends, put hashtags, emoticons, and you choose the winners randomly. What works is what you get for free: whether it's a box of sweets, a marketing book, a beauty box or a phone.

Conduct surveys Surveys are an effective type of content that helps to establish a connection between the brand and the audience, to find out its opinion about the brand's

activities. In the future, this will help improve the product or service.
With the help of voting, you get important information and show customers that you are interested in their opinion.
Surveys allow you to identify the expectations and needs of the audience - it helps in planning new posts and developing products or products.

With surveys, you create three types of content. First, you talk about the prerequisites for voting and describe its conditions. Secondly, you share the results with users. Third, consumers engage in discussions by creating user-generated content.

9. Track Statistics
So you will understand what content and promotion works for you in order to optimize costs. Photos and account statistics will appear after you go to your business profile or personal page.
Once you've transferred to a business or creator account, click the three bars at the top right. You will see the line "Statistics".

Social networks for small and medium-sized businesses are platforms for deferred demand. In accounts, they read reviews, look at the showcase, study prices and ask questions. But they do not buy immediately and not always.
If you have just started working with traffic, be prepared for the fact that there will be no comments at the beginning of your journey. It is pointless to look at the coverage and ER - the increase will be small. But if your account is active, calculate the ER. This metric will show how actively subscribers and the audience reached respond to your posts.

10. Use hashtags
In one post, you can use no more than 30 pieces and it is better to write under the post as a separate comment. Hashtags should correspond to the post, do not use the most popular ones - these are updated every 2-3 seconds.

High-frequency: more than 100,000 mentions
Mid-frequency: more than 50,000 mentions
Low-frequency: up to 50,000 mentions
Hashtags to navigate your account

Put geolocation on the fact of your location or at the point where the photo was taken.

11. Analyze bloggers for followers and likes

Things to keep in mind when working with a blogger:
Analyze the content of the blog. If a person is for a healthy lifestyle, do not ask to advertise cakes.
Conduct an analysis on the promotion of followers and likes.
Choose the product in your line that you are 100% sure of.
Write down the tasks and your wishes in the TOR.
12. Bring back engagement

Whether you're willing to ask for engagement or not, be prepared to respond to it.

After publishing a post, react quickly to comments. When followers see that you're online and replying to comments, they're much more likely to get engaged.

Like and comment on the posts of your friends and followers. The more you interact with people on Instagram, the more reciprocity you can expect from your audience. In addition, the more credible the relationship, the more likely it is to be approved by Instagram's algorithm.

Arrange days when subscribers can ask you questions through a special form in Stories. This will bring you closer to the audience and make sure to increase your popularity.

13. Find sources of inspiration
Montreal graphic designer, Audrey River, addresses several sources of inspiration: "I'm trying to find inspiration on Instagram, fashion/lifestyle blogs, Pinterest, the Behance media platform, and magazines," Rivet says in a blog post.

Where to get inspiration from:
Pinterest. A social network where you can upload images, share them with subscribers and create collections of fonts, posters, website layouts, templates, and more.
Dribble. A real collection of small elements, icons, illustrations and other small details.
Browse the content of foreign competitors.
Go outside. Sometimes inspiration can be found in the signs and on the streets of the city. Take pictures of anything you like, such as movie posters, book covers, or architectural designs.
Study the theory. Theoretical knowledge in the field of design and marketing can lead to new solutions. Read thematic blogs, books, specialized online resources and use examples in your work.

Giphy. A free service for creating and searching gif animations.
14. Plan ahead

Scheduled posts in advance and a content plan help to be organized in the publication of content. Start with a calendar, look at the holidays for the current and next month, analyze the upcoming changes in digital. Being aware of all the news events allows you to be prepared for anything and incorporate that news into your content. Once you've prepared your post topics, you can use deferred posting services to save time.

Deferred posting service (primarily for Instagram):

For Instagram:

Facebook Creator Studio is the official deferred posting for Instagram.
InstaPlus — direct mailing, auto-reply to new subscribers, sending comments, etc.
Leedfeed is the same as above, plus that you can respond to direct through a computer.To maintain a certain rhythm of presentation and aesthetics, use services that help visualize the feed. The visual planner allows you to see what your gallery will look like after posting the next few photos.
Basic rules for creating a feed visual:
Photos must match in color, shade and filter.
Similar photos should not follow each other
Either they go to the line in parallel through one line, or diagonally
Dark photos should not stand next to dark ones
similarly black and with light
An example of a combination of posts in the feed:

Applications for scheduling the layout of posts:

15. Come up with rubrics
Rubrics are topics that recur regularly on a blog. For example: study, work, family, hobbies, news, etc. You don't need to be an expert: learn to sing, dance, speak English - together with subscribers. The good thing about viral content is that they start sharing it with friends and it appears in the recommended one. Try using trending masks or challenge.

Give your audience time to get used to you - later you will become not just a blogger about lifestyle, education, travel, but a friend. Your behind-the-scenes stories about "got up / washed / had breakfast" will be interesting to subscribers.

16. Don't overdo it with sponsored content

Even if you've found the right affiliates/bloggers, there's a limit to the amount of sponsored content your audience is willing to tolerate.
Too many ads in your account not only test your audience's patience, but it can also reduce credibility in the eyes of brands. When a blogger advertises on all brands in a row that offer to collaborate, there is a high probability that he is not very well versed in the brands he works with, and his audience will also notice this.

17. Set boundaries

Followers may crave your real life behind the scenes and raw photos, but that doesn't mean you have to share everything. Especially if it makes you uncomfortable.

Rainier Jonne (@thedressedchest) never shows his face in photographs. He holds the border and talks about it in his stories.

There are no social obligations that require you to show off your body, reveal your soul, or reveal secrets if you're not ready for it. The same applies to defining boundaries for personal relationships.

"My family life is personal to me, and I limit what I share," says Laura Izumikawa.
18. Don't let haters upset you
Everyone has haters and will always throw out their negativity, so you need to learn how to react correctly to incorrect comments. Entrepreneur and Instagram influencer Myleik Teele shares: "If people write negative comments, they don't hate you, they get upset about themselves because you succeeded and they didn't."

19. Don't forget to disconnect
Forget about the stereotype "if you didn't take a picture, then it didn't happen." Even if you're a famous Instagram blogger, there's life outside of social media. By spending some time offline, you'll be able to recharge your batteries, stay connected, and stay healthy.
"I think the most important thing is to switch off from time to time. Do not be online or constantly in touch. So that you have moments when you just enjoy and relax," says Karin Olsson from @parisinfourmonth in Instagram stories. It's important to stay balanced.

In addition, the more you live in "real life", the easier it will be to create relevant, engaging content and connect with your audience, who also live offline for most of their lives and do not receive instant feedback.

20. Put health first

Although the famous life of Instagram looks glamorous, it is often lonely. This is especially true for those who often work from home or travel alone.

"I know a lot of bloggers who seem to 'have it all' but suffer from depression and anxiety because of this lifestyle," says Tameika Gentles, an influencer and co-founder of The Whole Experience Retreat. "I actively focus on my health when I'm traveling, and that's one of the reasons why I pay so much attention to my health."

Make time for anything that will help you stay healthy, whether it's meditation, therapy, or time with your family.

What's next?
When the account is registered, and you are mentally and physically ready, you can start monetizing your account. It can be different, the most common of them are:

In-account advertising (Ad collaborations, integrations, and brand ambassadors)
Selling something
Provision of services
Basic rules:
Content is more important than promotion. Both are extremely important, but the content is primary. If you don't have high-quality content, it's pointless to promote.
Without an advertising budget, you won't be able to gain hundreds of thousands of subscribers. The exception may be "unrealistic" viral content, but I wouldn't even consider this case.
Consider possible options for monetizing your account before starting work on your account.
Make a minimal promotion strategy (Who is the target audience, positioning, promotion paths, to what audience and with what message to advertise, etc.)
The main secret of the success of your personal blog should be your individuality, sincerity, your USP and dissimilarity to others, which will open the doors to success for you.

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