Business model: what is it and what types are there
    Business model: what is it and what types are there Ensuring that the product meets the needs of the market is only one of the components of success. Another key factor is the answer to the question of how you are going to make money. And here the business model is important. What is a business model? At its core, a business model is a description of how a business makes money. It explains how you create favorable conditions for customers at the appropriate...
    By Leonard Pokrovski 2024-07-21 23:46:30 0 12
    Who is a COO?
    1. Brief History of the COO Profession: The COO profession is relatively recent. At the beginning of the 20th century, many companies began to expand and become more complex its structure. There was a need for specialists who could manage daily activities Company. These specialists began to be called operational directors. The COO profession was created to relieve the CEO of day-to-day management and allow him to focus on a long-term strategy. 2. The role of COO in a modern company:...
    By Dacey Rankins 2024-07-19 19:49:50 0 103
    Anti-crisis manager: what is it's role in a crisis?
    Anti-crisis manager: what is it's role in a crisis?   "I noticed the moment when things started to go wrong, and I knew how to correct mistakes. But he could not find the right people to carry out his plans," George Soros admitted. For sure, crisis management would have helped him in difficult times. What is a crisis manager? A crisis manager is a specialist who manages the rescue of an enterprise that is approaching collapse. In short, he understands the causes of...
    By Leonard Pokrovski 2024-07-18 20:05:58 0 138
    Top tools for passive income: what an investor should take a closer look at
    Top tools for passive income: what an investor should take a closer look at There is an opinion: in order to make money on investments, you need to actively trade and devote a lot of time to it. In fact, this is not always the case. Some assets allow an investor to receive passive income — a well-built portfolio minimizes your time in the market. Passive income is a way of generating income that requires minimal or no effort. So, working and receiving a salary is an active...
    By Leonard Pokrovski 2024-07-18 18:55:49 0 159
    What is financial planning, why is it needed and how to do it correctly
    What is financial planning, why is it needed and how to do it correctly Business is like a living organism – anything can happen. Predicting all situations is a utopia, but with a competent approach, you can prepare and calculate a lot. To do this, the company must have competent financial planning. In today's article, we will tell you what financial planning is, why a business needs it, and share recommendations for drawing up an effective plan. What is financial...
    By Leonard Pokrovski 2024-07-18 18:26:39 0 129
    How to Assess the Viability of a Startup: Analyzing the Business Model Canvas
    How to Assess the Viability of a Startup: Analyzing the Business Model Canvas Business Model Canvas A business model is a brief description of a business that includes its essence, strengths, vulnerabilities, and development vector. The Canvas tool helps to create such a business model for any company — from a startup to a long-established large business. 1. List of partners. Here you should not only list the list of counterparties, but also indicate the form of cooperation. For...
    By Leonard Pokrovski 2024-07-18 17:46:33 0 163
    Competitive Intelligence
    Competitive Intelligence (abbr. CI) is the collection and processing of data from various sources for the development of management decisions in order to increase the competitiveness of a commercial organization, carried out within the framework of the law and in compliance with ethical standards (as opposed to industrial espionage), as well as the structural unit of the enterprise that performs these functions. Another definition of the concept of "business intelligence" is a special type of...
    By Dacey Rankins 2024-07-18 13:11:42 0 43
    How do I make an Instagram profile description for a business account?
    On Instagram, the first impression of a profile affects whether a casual user stays with you – the fast speed of content consumption leads to the fact that you literally have a couple of seconds (FB research) to attract the attention of the audience. And the first thing that people see in the Instagram profile header is the "Bio" column, or the "About me" column.Let's figure out what to write in the Instagram profile description if you are not a "happy wife and mother", and not even...
    By Dacey Rankins 2024-07-17 17:30:34 0 102
    Business process
    A business process is a set of interrelated tasks and activities aimed at achieving a certain goal or result within an organization. Business processes can include both production and administrative functions and are the basis for the effective functioning of the enterprise. Proper management and optimization of business processes can significantly improve the productivity, quality, flexibility, transparency and manageability of the enterprise. The use of modern methods and tools for...
    By Dacey Rankins 2024-07-16 18:48:34 0 84
    FUNDAMENTALS OF SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION A goal in business is a desired result and thousands of decisions made in the process of work. Achieving a goal is the implementation of a strategy that should ensure high results within a particular company with the help of available resources. In order for the strategy to be effective, each mechanism and participant in the work process must work professionally and coherently, including having a sufficient amount of...
    By Leonard Pokrovski 2024-07-16 18:18:21 0 94
    Strategic Planning in Business: Stages and Benefits
    Strategic Planning in Business: Stages and Benefits The article explains what strategic planning is, what stages it consists of, how and why companies should conduct strategic planning. What is strategic planning? Strategic planning in business is the process of determining the main goals and objectives of the company for the long term, developing a strategy for achieving these goals and guiding the strategy. Stages of strategic planning 1. Definition of mission and...
    By Leonard Pokrovski 2024-07-16 17:47:43 0 101
    Inspirational Checklist: 25 Things to Try If You Want to Change Your Life
      The list was compiled by psychologists, coaches and personal growth specialists. Do you notice how quickly time passes? In the pursuit of a career, creating a family and household chores, people often forget about the most important thing - bright moments that fill our lives with pleasant memories. Routine and habitual activities can sometimes turn a blind eye to those very unique opportunities. But there is a way out - drawing up a checklist. This is an inspiring...
    By Leonard Pokrovski 2024-07-16 17:38:34 0 82
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